Kanatech website design process steps Nairobi, Kenya
Kanatech Website Design Process Steps Nairobi, Kenya

An organized web design process can help you deliver more efficient and successful websites.

A well-designed website will attract visitors that will help clients understand more about your product, company and brands. Web design can be viewed from different dimensions, for web developers tend to view it more as a technical thing from wireframes, codes and content management. Excellent web design is more successful when you follow a website creation process that aligns with an overarching strategy.

To achieve a better website, you need to follow some steps, including

Goal Identification:

There are the basic steps where you meet with your client and determine what they want and what you need to achieve by the time the website is complete. At this stage is where you have to explore some questions like;

  1. Who is the site for?
  2. What do they expect to find or do there?
  3. Is this website’s primary aim to inform, to sell (ecommerce, anyone?), or to amuse?
  4. Does the website need to convey a brand’s core message clearly, or is it part of a broader branding strategy with a unique focus?
  5. What competitor sites, if any, exist, and how should this site be inspired by/different from those competitors?

These questions are the most crucial for any web development process, and if these questions are answered, the whole project might succeed. 

Scope Definition:

You must limit and keep one goal in mind for better website design. These will help evade issues where the client has one goal in mind but, with time, sees new features and forces you to apply them; you might end up losing track and having a different product from the one you had planned. 

Some tools help in scope definition, like a Gantt chart.

Having a Wireframe:

A wireframe is essential in providing the website’s visual design and content elements and can help identify challenges in advance. a Wireframe is essential as it can help identify some errors in the sitemap

In the same case as when you are building a house, you should consider having a blueprint; the same case applies to a website. Having a wireframe is very necessary. You can use the fundamental way of an ole paper and a pencil to make a wireframe.

Content Creation:

And it’s time to get to the most critical aspect of website creation. You are having your content written. Having the right content is essential.

Graphic Elements:

Here it’s time to deal with the graphics part that will help the visual presence. This part is shaped with the existing branding elements, colour choices and logo as the clients wish.in case the company lacks, it’s better to look for companies offering quality logo design like Kanatech systems


When everything is in place, it’s time to test and see if they are working; trying each page simultaneously is advisable, confirming that all links are working.


After confirming that everything is working and you are happy with the site, it’s time to get your website live. If some aspects need to be fixed, you can still change and keep managing the website.

Mobile & Tablet Friendly Website Design Packages By Kanatech Systems

About the Author

Picture of Francis Thige

Francis Thige

Francis Thige is the Managing Director at Kanatech Systems. We improve your business by designing and developing a Website, Logo, Search Engine Optimization, Digital Marketing and Branding Services .