Questions to ask from your client before you start to Website design
Website Design By Kanatech Kenya

In website design, it is better to design with a plan while also considering the client’s needs. As a designer asking the right questions, simple direct, understandable questions help capture clients’ needs on the first trial. One should only begin designing the website with client answers. In this case, the chances of revisions reduce.

The following are sample questions to ask before designing:

1. What does your business do?

Before meeting the client, it is advisable to do background research and enquire from them about their business. This helps in capturing what the client wants. The designer should keep in mind that the client’s website if they already have one, needs to bring out the desired outcome of their brand; that’s why they want a new one.


2. Already have a website? Why do you want a new one?

In the case where the client has another website and dislikes it avoid making the same errors; therefore, ask the reasons or pose questions like;

  •  Has your business changed?
  •  Was it poorly designed?
  •  Is it complicated?
  •  Is the copy poorly written?


3. What are your goals for the site?

This usually influences the site’s design since the plan lays its foundation on the client’s goal.


4. Who is your target audience?

Another fundamental question, this sometimes helps in decision-making. Some websites require a photographer because of the target audience example, and a hotel website will need high-quality pictures to attract guests’ attention. Sometimes the target audience may be the elderly, meaning the website will be simple and direct.


5. The type of content the client wants to share?

Based on their choices, the best layout of the website is easily chosen.

They include;

  •  Personal blog
  •  Podcasts
  •  Professional photography


6. Are there actions you want your visitors to take?

These actions include 

  1.  Fill out a form.
  2.  Registering for an event.
  3.  Buy the product
  4.  Click on opt-in.

The main work of a designer is to get the visitors to take their desired action.


7. What ‘vibe’ do you want?

The feel/vibe mainly attracts a specific audience .it may include things like;

a. Fun and whimsical.

b. Serious and professional

From the above choices, it is easier for a designer to choose the color palette and typography for the website.


8. What are your primary colors?

Here the client is always right at first, but in other cases, the designer gives suggestions because they want their website to be their desired colors. This helps in the starting point of the designing phase because colors must be observed.


9. What are the company documents you would like to include?

These may include;

  •  Company logo
  •  Behind scene videos, they would like to share
  •  Headshots

Here the designer aims at quality in the website.


10. What three competitor websites do you admire?

This final question reveals a clear idea and image of the client’s ideal style and exposes the designer to other available websites. It also helps the designer to provide the client with suggestions based on findings made through the questions.



With a well-drafted plan for website design, it’s almost certain the client will love the outcome of your work. This saves much-needed time by avoiding revisions. 

Mobile & Tablet Friendly & Website Design Services By Kanatech

About the Author

Picture of Francis Thige

Francis Thige

Francis Thige is the Managing Director at Kanatech Systems. We improve your business by designing and developing a Website, Logo, Search Engine Optimization, Digital Marketing and Branding Services .