What makes a great website by KanaTech
What makes a great website By Kanatech

We are going to answer the question “What makes a great website?”

In the digital world, your website is your company’s front door and everyone who accesses it gets a chance to interact with it. Meaning when the website is well designed it becomes a way of marketing. An average-designed web page does not act as an ambassador to your agency neither does it attract users to become customers. But in this case, a well-designed website is able to turn your web page viewers into customers.

  1. The Website Is Functional

The web page represents the company all your products/ services and communicates about the company’s brand. It is therefore of great importance to make sure the website is professional and well-polished. The images used should be high quality so should the message being conveyed.


Avoiding frustrating your clients by making sure every web page is functioning properly because any error may end up frustrating the user. The website should also work quickly, this is achieved by testing it regularly or getting feedback from customers who have interacted with it. It should also perform as expected and without any error to qualify for being called a functional website.


  1. Simple To Use

The majority of clients today are in the rush and are not willing to be overworked in order to get any information. UX (User Experience) normally helps website users to understand and remain on the website. The layout should be consistent across the web page same as the functionality of the whole site.

By being simple to use it should accommodate the two types of web users;

  1. Searchers- the users who visit sites with specific goals.
  2. Browsers- users who visit the web page just for looking.

The website should also keep the users engaged by also suggesting related content.


  1. Accommodate Smartphones

In our generation, it should be worth noting that the majority of your website visitors use mobile phones and tablets to access it. Your website should be able to look and even work efficiently on these devices. Your SEO rankings will improve once the user’s experience is improved in these small devices.

mobile friendly website by kanatech

  1. Quality Content

Your content on the webpage should be interesting and new. The language on the web page should make sense to the users i.e. by avoiding things like acronyms and terms to which the users do not relate. Can be achieved in the following ways:

  1. Social media and blog updates bring about quality and fresh content – this keeps visitors coming increasing your SEO rankings.

mobile friendly website Nairobi Kenya .png

  1. Being accurate, spelling correctly, and being relevant- ensure visitors’ attention is well utilized.

Though expensive keeping fresh content is something you should not miss.

  1. Contact and Location

Accessibility is a factor same to your contacts for your website users. The users need to have ways to communicate with you and get to ask questions or communicate for orders. Not a must to employ Google Maps but it helps so much in marketing your business.

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Phone numbers, email, social media platforms, or even a simple easy-to-use contact form can help with your website.


  1. Clear calls to action

The main purpose of the website. Your website should answer this question for the clients. The purpose should be very clear to all visitors, this allows them to respond positively to it by performing the needed tasks like:

  1. Read and share articles.
  2. Learn more about the organization.
  • Follow the company on social media.
  1. Download toolkits.
  2. Subscribe to mails (emails).
  3. Include an ask on each page


  1. Optimized for Search and the Social Web

Allow your web users to share your content on other platforms. The help in marketing makes your company ranking increase in a positive trajectory. When your website is just responsive and easy to use, still it needs to earn traffic.

Rules and guidelines are set for effective search engine optimization and they include:

  1. You should optimize your website content to align with words real people search for today.
  2. Use keywords appropriately in content and links.
  • Use (CSS) Cascading Style Sheets for layout and keep your (HTML) Hyper-Text Markup Language code clutter-free.
  1. Use page titles and Meta tags on every page and alt tags on every image.



It is worth noting that the above 7 topics which we discussed are all useful in making your website look professional. These are some of the factors we consider basic for any great website in the modern world. In case of a deeper understanding, feel free to communicate with us at Kanatech systems.

About the Author

Picture of Francis Thige

Francis Thige

Francis Thige is the Managing Director at Kanatech Systems. We improve your business by designing and developing a Website, Logo, Search Engine Optimization, Digital Marketing and Branding Services .