The importance of Search Engine Optimization for a fresh website?
Search Engine Optimization Services in Kenya

Does a new website affect SEO? Does SEO work for a new website? The answer to both questions is yes. The sooner you begin with SEO – the better, and let us explain to you why.

It Is Important To Get Your Website Noticed Quickly

When a new website is built, it’s essential to get it noticed quickly. If people don’t find your website, they can’t visit it, and if they can’t visit it, they can’t buy anything from you. When a business launches a new website, it usually has plenty of other things on its plate: new products to launch, marketing campaigns to get off the ground, hiring new employees, planning for the future, and so on. Here’s where implementing SEO for the new website is in handy.

You need to choose an SEO-friendly Domain Name and Homepage URL

Your Domain Name and the Title of your homepage greatly impact SEO. If you choose a bad Domain Name, you will suffer from poor click-through rates (CTR). The same goes for a bad Title for your homepage.
Not only that, but you might be missing out on the opportunity to rank for keywords that are more related to your business. That’s why it’s important to pick the right Domain Name and title for your homepage. You can use tools like SEO Spyglass and SEMrush to determine what keywords your competitors are ranking for and what keywords you would like to rank for.
To help you identify which Domain Name and Title you should adopt, you can use these keywords.

Backlinks, On-Page Text optimization, Title Tags, Meta Descriptions, etc.

Implementing those can have a big impact on your website.
Your backlinks from authoritative websites are like votes of confidence for you. However, don’t even try buying or creating them through fake means because you risk having negative results which are penalizing and ranking lower.

On-page text optimization from the very beginning will help you get results faster and in the future, you won’t have to do it for your old unoptimized content. On this point, it is important to focus on providing high-value EAT (Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness).

When we talk about the role of title tags and meta descriptions, they won’t directly influence your rankings. What they do is drive click-through rate. By including a variety of your target keywords on each specific page and keeping your title tags short, you’ll do only better for your website.

You can have the best website in the world, but if no one can find it, what good does it do you? With that being said, If you optimize your website for SEO, you’ll have a much better chance of getting noticed by search engines. That is crucial to get your website noticed.

Sometimes It Might Take A While To See Results From SEO

For example, you’ll need from 3 to 12 months to see results from link-building.

When you start with SEO, you might not see any results right away, but that doesn’t mean the work you’re doing is useless.

It’s the opposite. When you don’t see any results, it’s important to keep in mind that search engine algorithms are always changing. The more you change your website, the more you change the way it’s built, and the more chances there are for a Google algorithm update to affect your website.

That means that there are plenty of opportunities to make changes to your website that will help with SEO. But, it also might mean that there are opportunities where you could make changes that could hurt your SEO.

So, even though it might take a bit of time to start seeing results, you should be just fine if you don’t stop working on your SEO.

About the Author

Picture of Francis Thige

Francis Thige

Francis Thige is the Managing Director at Kanatech Systems. We improve your business by designing and developing a Website, Logo, Search Engine Optimization, Digital Marketing and Branding Services .