Is a logo important?
A Good Logo Design Is Important For Your Small Business
kanatech systems

Francis Thige

Kanatech Systems - Website Design & SEO in Nairobi

Is a logo important?

A logo can simply be classified as a basic tool for every business. Having an attractive logo that defines your business is even more important. In any case, if you ever think of having a logo you should go for well-known companies like Kanatech Systems that will guarantee you maximum quality and professionalism.

A logo simply has so many important’s that may include:

Grips attention:

This is one of the main reasons every company should have a logo, logo quickly grabs the attention of a potential customer or any other person in a very short period of time .in the span that it grabs attention also communicates a company’s core value

Forms basis of your brand identity:

In any case, if you decide to go for branding your logo will form the basic thing. All the fonts, colors and tones to be used will be set by your logo. Hence the logo is the basic item that will set your brand identity

It’s memorable:

A logo simply describes the whole company, it is the symbol customers use to identify your brand. for this case, a simple sight of your logo should describe all the memories with your company. with the famous quote that says your logo leads the horse (representing your audience) to water (your company). Hence a logo is a visually pleasing element

Helps gain a competitive advantage

Having a well-designed logo can communicate everything about the company this can help gain a competitive advantage over your competitors. a logo communicating your business well will help drive the audience to your business

A logo is a forum where you can convey your values, mission, and anything that will help you gain a competitive advantage

Sign of trust:

When a company decides to make any communication, the logo should be either on top, center, or bottom this will help your audience differentiate between your official communication and that that doesn’t come from you. This will help every time your audience comes across your communication they should see your logo that will define what you do.

Raises brand loyalty

Consumers will always strive for consistency; your company might grow with time and you decide to shift your location but one thing will remain constant that’s your logo. This will help all your potential customers once they come across your logo to easily shift to your brand Creates a great first impression:

a logo is a company’s first introduction to consumers. your logo should automatically communicate what you do to your audience. once they just see it, it creates a great impression of what you do

About the Author

Picture of Francis Thige

Francis Thige

Francis Thige is the Managing Director at Kanatech Systems. We improve your business by designing and developing a Website, Logo, Search Engine Optimization, Digital Marketing and Branding Services .