13 Effective Ways to Build Your Business/Company Online Presence
13 Effective Ways to Build Your Business/Company Online Presence


Take initiatives.

In the case of a new technology (website feature or social media application), be the first or among the first since an early adopter always enjoys more benefits in terms of points in SEO.

Competition is always minor, and due to the nature of the market (Nairobi), many people unwilling to try these features came as free before now being charged. This helps your business in case you are an early adopter.

Being on the front always involves activities like being online and engaging with your trusted website developer Kanatech Systems, to know the latest must-haves in your business websites.

Online advertising.

The main goal of optimizing search engines is to build an online presence. Online advertising is a faster way to achieve it; once the ad (your company advert) shows in the top search results, the brand awareness similar to visibility online will increase.

Search engines like Google provide these services or even social media advertising platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube). Offers or services delivered are the key components to have in your advert. The main challenge in this method is choosing the best platform; therefore, as Kanatech systems, we advise the platform to be based on the target audience (current and future).

Off-site and On-site SEO.

SEO is the best tactic to build your online presence in the digital era. SEO occurs either on-site or off-site. 

On-site being all about the content:

  1. Keyword research
  2. Links (both internal and external)
  3. Creating educative content
  4. Matching target audience search queries.

Off-site SEO, you will care more about the technical side of things:

  1. URL is simple
  2. The site is correctly set up
  3. The page is fast
  4. The building of credibility.

As Kanatech, we advise creating a Google My Business account and using Google’s keyword planner if you want to appear on Google.

Create value.

Creating value makes the product/service meaningful to the clients, increasing your brand market. The value ranges from both the product and the customer or client. Although there are many ways of creating value, 

  1. The best is creating educative and accessible content for all website users and answering their questions; this information helps them and the relationship. 
  2. They are creating advice-like content. When the guests (website users) ask and answer questions in the comments form, appearing in a podcast, or even answering them as a guest, all client’s questions are answered.

Conducting an analysis.

After using your tactics to build an online presence, the results should be used to measure your organization’s progress. Conducting analysis helps to check progress, make decisions, and discover what works and does not.

In this case of SEO, you need to track your search engine results on Google, or emails involve just checking on the subscribers. Although long, they are helpful:

  1. Things like your brand awareness among clients
  2. Open and click-through rates on your website

Though hard to get, these results help in decisions and steps to take in your business.

Being influential on social media.

The digital era, as described in marketing, says the majority of marketing should focus on social media more than other media like print, etc. majority of the audience access a WhatsApp ad compared to an advert in the print media (newspaper)

Globally reaching a new market involves taking such initiatives and communicating with all your customers using social media. Clients lose trust and feel unsure of any company without social media presence. Therefore, a social media presence helps add confidence to current and future clients.

Social media can create credibility and reputation and even showcase the brand without relying on clients’ points to increase your SEO points. This makes them search for the brand and what people say about your services/products. 

Have a quality website.

Unlike current clients, future clients will always be willing to compare your website with your competitors before engaging with you for business. Colors used, fonts, text, images, and videos speak to the client more about the company. This allows the user to make a decision and even prefer your services.

To make a website, the Kanatech system would be an agent you can rely on in Nairobi, KENYA.

Use influencer marketing.

In the cases of known people, one may communicate with them about your product to increase your brand awareness. These influencers help because they make some clients increase their belief, trust, and urge to try your product/services.

For example, a website design agency, influencers who review websites you may reach and, in their channels or tv shows, will mention your websites and the features you add. This will make their followers follow your website and research more about your agency.

The more people talk about your agency, the more you appear online.

Remaining competitive.

You are being competitive and remaining relevant to the market. Observing what your competitors are doing and also doing it provided it helps your business increase the SEO ranking points. Also, what do your competitors need to include on your website? This creates a competitive advantage over them. 

Competing means you know what they are providing, how, and even the duration (in terms of time) they are taking. Once this is done, it becomes easier to increase the SEO ranks since your website provides more than the compared websites.

Developing relationships.

Since SEO deals with primarily creating your brand being superior, another way would be involving your fellow agencies in the industry.

A good example involves a website agency. The agency could create relationships with bloggers and podcasts in the same industry. They might invite you to their podcast and even feature your website in their blogs.

From the above example, it is clear that creating or forging a relationship with others may help you show up online.

Targeting your market.

To show up online (SEO), you must determine where your audience is, particularly their everyday social media platforms. In case they are more on Twitter than on Facebook, it means focusing on Twitter all the time and avoiding Facebook as much as possible. Your content and any promotion should always target the market to enjoy the points increase in SEO.

This creates a strong presence everyone must recognize in case they use these platforms.

Email communication.

One of the best ways to build your online presence involves communicating with all clients (potential and current ones) daily or even weekly, depending on their choice. Emails allow that to happen.

To entice your customers to email, you may use things like sign-ups or even gated content requiring email signing up. Things like newsletter help achieve this since the users give a list of products they like and, in some cases, leads to spending. Call to action and social media pages help.

These forms can be created to appear as popups or even slide in to collect the user’s details. 

Social media.

The digital era involves more social media platforms and websites. Therefore, being offline is a risk you would never try being online implies being able to interact with clients through posting owned properties and company goals in all the accounts.

Followers and subscribers are your potential clients meaning interacting with them is a way of increasing your market. When there is a conversation about anything involved in your industry, engaging helps a lot.


About the Author

Picture of Francis Thige

Francis Thige

Francis Thige is the Managing Director at Kanatech Systems. We improve your business by designing and developing a Website, Logo, Search Engine Optimization, Digital Marketing and Branding Services .